Bridgewater Canal Overflow Let-off Chamber

Client :


Nature of the works :


Scope and service provided :








Duration :

Bridgewater Canal Company


Construction of an overflow let-off chamber out-letting into an existing culvert which flows beneath the canal embankment.

STEM Construction was appointed as Principal Contractor:

  • Provide and maintain site welfare facilities throughout the duration of the contract
  • Develop the Construction Phase Site Management Plan and site safety documents
  • Procure subcontractors to install and subsequently extract sheet piled cofferdam. Ensure buoyancy calculations were agreed.
  • Dewatering of the cofferdam.
  • Transportation by barge of all plant and materials to a remote stretch of the canal system
  • Installation of a penstock chamber and connecting pipeworks to the existing culvert manhole
  • Reinstatement of canal embankments on completion

6 week on-site construction period

Contact STEM Construction with any enquiries – 0161 7111 255